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10 slots -> $1.62/m
15 slots -> $2.45/m
20 slots -> $3.27/m
25 slots -> $4.10/m
30 slots -> $4.92/m
35 slots -> $5.75/m
40 slots -> $6.57/m
45 slots -> $7.40/m
50 slots -> $8.22/m
75 slots -> $12.35/m
100 slots -> $16.47/m
150 slots -> $24.72/m
200 slots -> $32.97/m
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March 12, 2025

Teamspeak Servers 

TS  Teamspeak

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TS Teamspeak  MakeAVoice Privacy Policy

  Privacy Policy:
MakeAVoice believes that privacy is crucial for the ongoing success of Internet commerce. As an Internet voice server provider, and authorized host with certified payment gateway processing, we are required to have a stringent policy regarding all of the information that we collect.

These terms were last revised on August 09, 2008. MakeAVoice reserves the right to amend these policies from time to time. If such amendments affect how MakeAVoice uses or discloses personal information already held by MakeAVoice in a material and adverse way over and above previous express or implied consent, MakeAVoice will contact you to obtain consent. MakeAVoice will never disclose personal information of any account holders except in a court of law or other legal request only. Your credit card and/or other types of payments cannot be charged automatically unless a subscription is agreed upon and authorized by the account holder. MakeAVoice will never charge you without a subscription and/or consent. Your credit card information is kept confidential and secure. MakeAVoice does not know 100% of your credit information. For example, only the last 4 digits are displayed to MakeAVoice billing staff and owners. It is not possible for us to retrieve your full credit information. At all times of the order form you will notice https:// which denotes this encryted safety. One time payments, and all orders selected as "No" Subscription, will never be charged unless you manually send a payment to renew or set an active subscription. You may also request MakeAVoice to set your "No" subscription option to an active subscription for credit card payments only. Paypal users need to create a new subscription from the MakeAVoice control panel Account area, Renew Options. Please note that subscriptions can and are turned off and on every day. You may set them active and non-active whenever you like. Please try to provide reasonable time if you are wanting a subscription removed before a renewal date, so that MakeAVoice staff can answer your request before the charge occurs.

MakeAVoice takes best precautions to ensure your privacy on the terms contained in this policy. MakeAVoice uses best efforts to completely prevent unintended disclosures by such means as hackers and other unauthorized individuals, and inadvertent or illicit employee actions. However, MakeAVoice cannot be held responsible if such precautions should fail.

Cardholder provided Information:
Our electronic purchase service requires that cardholders provide contact information (including without limitation: name, address, city, state or province, postal code, country, telephone and email), and financial information (including without limitation: name on credit card, credit card number and expiry date), and ordering information. This information is collected and used to process the transaction and for internal accounting and other procedures. Following a transaction, we may contact cardholders by phone or email for security purposes. Your address, city, state/province, postal code, country and telephone number are not recorded by MakeAVoice. They are used only to process your secured transaction. Paypal payment users will not have to enter the above listed information. However, paypal users may provide us there phone number if they would like us to contact them on verification of purchases. At Random, MakeAVoice may phone any new purchase account holder to verify the order.

Information Automatically Collected:
Our Web site keeps track of usage data, such as the source address that a page request is coming from, your IP address or domain name, the date and time of the page request, the referring Web site (if any) and other parameters in the URL. The IP addresses we collect on our electronic purchase service are linked to personally identifiable information. This is collected in order to combat fraud during the purchase process. We also use this data to better understand Web site usage in the aggregate so that we know what areas of our Web site users prefer. Automatically collected information is also used for the same purposes as cardholder supplied and merchant supplied information.
All of MakeAVoice's servers are equipped with shared banning of IPs for attackers. Users who repeatedly connect to any given server across our network will be banned wide with no warning. Such an example would be an IP that is caught connecting to the same server 50 times in the same few seconds. This IP is logged in server.log files with great detail, and these IPs are sent to be banned across all of our locations and machines for your safety and enhanced experience. You may request IPs to be blacklisted if you feel we have not caught it. Send us the IP and the machine in question and we will verify the log file and process the blacklisted IP right away for you.

Sharing of Information:
You may share some, but not all, of your credit card information with any MakeAVoice billing department staff or owner to assist you in processing any credit card payments. Remember, we cannot process your credit card payments ourselves just because you have ordered using a credit card in the past. That creditcard number is hidden to us, we can only view the last 4 numbers. To have MakeAVoice staff manually bill you for any upgrades or anything you request, all MakeAVoice staff requires is the rest of your credit card number. You can leave off the last 4 numbers to ensure you are dealing with MakeAVoice authorized staff. MakeAVoice staff will be able to verify your last 4 numbers of previous payment. They will not require you disclosing the last 4 numbers or any of your address information. Only disclose the remaining part of your credit card number for safety reasons. Paypal disclosure is not necessary. Never share your paypal account with anyone.

MakeAVoice uses servies by InternetSecure, Paypal, and Teamspeak along with others. If a user has any questions or concerns about the privacy policies of those parties, it must contact such parties.

Except for the above parties, and for use by MakeAVoice's staff and owners, MakeAVoice does not share personal information with any other third parties. MakeAVoice may, however, provide to third parties aggregate or statistical information that does not disclose personally identifiable information.

Contact Us / Email Inquiries:
No information to sent MakeAVoice via email or the website live support, or ticket systems is used for any other reason than to respond to and maintain a record of the inquiry. This information is not sent to third parties or retained for mailing list purposes.

Security: MakeAVoice takes measures to protect and keep information secure. Our electronic purchase service is secured with SSL encryption. Verisign supplied digital certificates for the gateway pages. All information collected by MakeAVoice is held offline, secured via SSL encryption at InternetSecure, and protected by a firewall. Whenever sensitive information is transmitted to InternetSecure through our Web site, such as a credit card number, the server provides 128-bit encryption of the information as it travels across the Internet.

Third Party Dispute Resolution: MakeAVoice is committed to resolving disputes quickly and efficiently. In the event that a dispute cannot be settled through our normal internal processes, MakeAVoice is committed to using an independent third party dispute resolution process. Disputes on credit card are handled through InternetSecure and disputes on Paypal are handled by Paypal's Resolution Centre. All disputes should first contact MakeAVoice directly, and avoid using a third party resolution centre.

Opt out / Correct / Update:
This site gives account holders the following options for removing their information from our database to cancel future communications, to no longer receive our service, or to change their information on our database:

1. send email to
2. contact a live support representative
3. leave a support ticket

Contacting MakeAVoice:
If you have questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site or your dealings with this web site, you may contact:

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 March 12, 2025

Teamspeak Servers 

TS  Teamspeak

 Official Site:

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* All currencies are listed in USD. United States Dollar.

* By providing this information you agree to BBServers' Privacy Policy and Terms Conditions.
* For further information here is our Contacts.